Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fear of fat can seriously damage your health

Scientist revealed recently that a child born in 2030 will live five years longer than a child born yesterday. So by the middle of this century there will be more people drawing a pension than people going to work.
This will have a catastrophic effect on the economy because simple arithmetic shows there won’t be enough money in the kitty to keep all these old people in hips and cat food.
So what on earth are we going to? Make people save money so they are self-sufficient in their old age? Get everyone to have more babies? Or ship in thousands of healthy young immigrants who can  run around actually doing some work? A tricky decision.
But came along a report saying we won’t be living so long after all. Thanks to the effort of McMeals and its over ready chips, we are going to explode by the time we are 62. Now you’d have expected the government to greet the news with a sigh of relief.
But not a bit of it. The health ministry said a big debate was needed to challenge the problem of obesity.  So what’s going on here? One minute we are told that we are all going to live to be 126 and that we’ll have to eat each other to survive. Then we are told that actually it’d be best if we eat nothing at all.

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