Monday, October 11, 2010

move along lad, or be a gay astronaut

I had an interesting conversation with one of my ex-colleague recently, she was quite a good looking girl. But from the day I knew her till today she remain single.

It puzzle me, was there a force field which if any man gets near her they will electrocuted? Or maybe she has a spell on her that makes man who get near her to turn into Borat with David Beckham’s voice.

So after drinking down 1.5l of cola light and burp my way from Tuas to Pasir Ris, I pop the question. “Arh…. why you still single har?” Her reply “oh I like to be dote by guys who go after me”. I was dumb folded, apparently the daily traffic jam which happen at PIE was not cause by increase number of vehicle owners but due to guys was queuing to be her chauffer.

Well the last time I check female population was twice the number of males in Singapore. So to those guys who is still queuing for his turn tomorrow, move along before they build a ERP gantry at her home and work place there are tons of pretty ones out there. If you find you had spend too much effort on her, and simply can’t let go…. I suggest you be a gay astronaut given the chance of success is higher and the rewards are better compare to the lost in you pocket.

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